KB1118 - RR clients showing 'Offline' in console

When selecting a group in the Rolling Restart console, the list of servers is populated on the bottom right, along with the status of each server. Some servers may come up as "Offline - is firewall blocking?'" or some other "Offline" message. Here are some things you can do to check why the status is not showing:

This message can be due to a number of factors. In no particular order:

  • See if you can ping the client from the RR console and that the correct IP appears.
  • Check if the domain firewall is enabled on the client and the console, which would prevent communications between clients and the console.
  • On the client, check that the Remote Registry service is running, or is set to Auto-start.
  • You can also check the events.txt log file on the clients to be sure the clients are sending their status to the RR console with no issues.
  • On the client, be sure it can ping the RR console and that the correct IP appears for the console.

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