KB1136 - How to force the use of specific Active Directory servers

In some enterprise environments, servers that run Active Directory Domain Services are automatically assigned to Windows computers. This can result in long query times for adding groups to our software, long verification times for verifying Active Directory user passwords, and other delays.

To alleviate congestion and increase speed, WM Software's products have a way to automatically use specific servers Active Directory Domain Services.

To do this, follow these steps

  1. Locate the key in the Registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\WM Software\[product name]\Settings\AnyDCOverride
  2. Edit the Name field titled 'AnyDCOverride'
  3. Enter a list of comma-separated AD servers you want the client to use in either, NetBIOS, FQDN, or IPv4 address.
  4. The new entry will be in "AnyDC" under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\WM Software\[product name]\Settings
  5. The new entry is now used anytime AD servers are queried.


If the client cannot use any of these, it will search for the default AD server and then whichever AD server responds.

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