Relevos can throttle any process on the server. It specifically ignores system processes such as svchost.exe, etc. However, it is a fantastic tool to use for getting CPU usage under control.
One question we often receive is "how do I tell if Relevos is actually throttling my processes?".
There are two ways to check this.
Note that Relevos will throttle the process and hover around the target CPU percentage. Because Relevos is not hardware, it is not a hard limit, but it should only vary between 0% ± 5%. This depends on may factors, but if the average is taken over time, the target CPU should match.
To do a test of the software, you can run "flatline.exe" at a command prompt within the C:\Program Files\Relevos folder. It is limited to 8 threads (cores), however. Version 6.2 of Relevos now includes flatline32.exe and flatline64.exe. Both of these will bring the CPU up to 100% no matter how many cores are on the server.
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