Sample title

Rolling Restart

Version History

As a result of on-going R&D effort and customer feedback, new builds and versions contain additional features and fixes, of which the most significant are listed below:

Version 2312 Build 355
[!] Fixed any column widths equal to zero, are now sized properly

Version 2312 Build 348
[!] Groups with simultaneous restarts, the group information was not getting loaded.

Version 2312 Build 345
[!] Activation from within the console ribbon button or the hyperlink failed to run the activation program. Mostly not required because RR automatically activates when the LAS licensing is properly setup.

Version 2312 Build 341
[+] Oldest Restart updated, faster calculations
[+] If RR is installed, even if the RR service is not running, the console now shows the last restarted date/time
[+] Improved speed of console, faster loading of groups; added loading status bar counter
[+] More descriptive errors if an RR client can’t be found in DNS or cannot be accessed
[+] Added option to give more time for results when querying clients. Adding ClientSentTimeSeconds=15 to the settings.ini file gives a client 15 seconds to respond when querying for its status.
[!] Removing server, then clicking on topmost tree entry may cause a run-time error in the console
[!] Removing all servers from a group did not update the list of servers or the count of servers
[!] For DNS mismatches, and without using port 21801, RR clients can now be queried (speed improvement), restarted, and have other normal operations performed on them
[!] Cleaned up log file for servers that have not been restarted excessive log writing

Version 2312 Build 327
[+] Faster time for setting up and checking before a restart takes place, from about 1 min 30 sec down to about 20 seconds in the best of conditions
[+] New feature that sets up maximum log file size
[+] Updated calendar and time controls
[+] Added up/down buttons on numeric fields
[+] Internal misc improvements and efficiencies
[!] On some clients, the remote server would not be recognized as online, even though it successfully restarted
[!] Fixed messages shown when on top-level in server tree
[!] Checking for product updates could take up to 30 seconds
[!] Removed excessive logging from client servers that are not in the RR console database

Version 2312 Build 275
[!] Expand/Collapse ribbon buttons were behaving identically
[!] 23.10 was being logged as the version in LAS

New Version 2312 Build 273
[+] New functionality added to automatically sort servers by their oldest since last restart. If servers at the end of a group don’t get restarted, when the group is set to reprocess again, the servers will be ordered and restarted by descending last date restarted
[+] Administrator can manually sort and save servers in group by last restarted date or name by right-clicking on the group
[+] Added option under Settings to enable logons on all member servers when the console service starts
[+] Real-Time Log window is now horizontally resizable for more viewing area
[+] Now the admin can quickly set the scheduled time to the current time +1 minute in the console
[+] Completely new redesign for the Add Computer dialog
[+] Added an option to add +1 minute to the scheduled start time of a group
[+] Added the statistics Mode and Median to all server restart days in Rolling Restart’s topmost tree item
[+] Added a ‘Saved changes’ notification in the status bar after saving changes
[+] Misc. console speed improvements and bug fixes
[!] Disabling Queue Looping while in the middle of a group processing did not stop the queue looping

Version 12.0 Build 1325
[+] RR clients can now restart that have firewall rules up but with 135 and 445 ports open
[+] If the remote server is in a hung state (pingable, but can’t communicate), the condition is now included in the summary
[+] Added a switch to not populate the log file with clients that send their data to the console but are not in the database
[!] Farm calculator updated to show more pertinent delivery groups
[!] Misc bug fixes

Version 12.0 Build 1213
[+] If only console is logged on to a RR client, show that in the restart log
[+] If the console is logged on, show the number of users we’re waiting for and also if it excludes the console in the restart log
[+] Added an option to remove one or multiple computers in a group by right-clicking on the list
[+] Minutes to wait after sending a message can now be changed, even if not repeating the message
[!] Fixed when before restarting all servers simultaneously, changing the logon state to disable new but allow reconnections after waiting for the specified time period incorrectly disabled all logons
[!] Fixed “Exception code: 0xc0000374” that may appear in Event Viewer
[!] Staggered server restarts may think a server has not gone offline because the restart time is less than 5 seconds

Version 12.0 Build 1195 (client update only)
[+] Pressing Esc on RR client now closes the application
[!] If an RR client subscription license expired on Windows Server 2022, instead of stopping, the service would run but would stop responding

Version 12.0 Build 1181
[+] added Windows 2022 support
[+] 4x faster speed improvement when saving large amounts of groups
[+] misc logging updates
[!] servers that did not restart and had set ‘Disable new logons’ in the ‘before’ tab still got their logons enabled after being queued
[!] unchecked servers were having their logons changed if logons were set for the group in the ‘before’ tab
[!] servers that took long to update their logons did not reflect timings accurately in the log
[!] the 'waiting up to x minutes for the users to logoff of a server was not waiting exactly one minute
[!] changing the enforced end time during group processing was not enforced

Version 12.0 Build 1032
[!] flagging incoming data sent from a Rolling Restart client if it is inconsistent

Version 12.0 Build 1018
[!] a client server’s timezone value of +5:30 was causing the console to not load
[!] on occasion, stopping/starting the service will add a spurious error in the log file
[!] when removing all servers and groups, RR service stops

Version 12.0 Build 1007
[+] Increased length of RDS connection broker field
[!] Fixed some servers may not get restarted if the console is extremely slow to logoff

Version 12.0 Build 981
[+] For RDS deployments, the admin can now set which server is the Connection Broker to avoid users being sent to a server with logons disabled.
[!] On some Windows 2012 R2 servers, the console service would not start at installation.

Version 12.0 Build 813
[+] Updated Sorting dialog to do ‘Alpha’ and ‘Reverse’ sorts for quick sorting of a group’s servers
[+] MSI for client is now included in download for customers wanting to distribute/install an MSI file
[!] Some clients did not properly recognize the version of Citrix
[!] Saving scheduling time to one group may affect other groups
[!] Idle logon time now applies to console sessions [!] Fixed ESXi dialog not correctly saving passwords

Version 12.0 Build 794
[+] When changing time of one group, another group may mistakenly show that its time was updated.
[+] Misc internal improvements

New Version 12.0 Build 791
[+] New processing method! ‘Staggered Wait and Restart’ restarts a subset of servers simultaneously, but only after waiting a period of time. Users can optionally be forced off of the subset at the end of the waiting period.
[+] New processing method! ‘Staggered Forced Restart’ restarts a subset of servers simultaneously, forcing users off before restarting. This method gets servers restarted without causing login or PVS storms.
[+] New look – the configuration grid is replaced with sub-groups that include richer controls
[+] New Group Restart Window dictates when server restarts can take place - this can match a company’s existing maintenance windows
[+] New reporting options! Daily and On-Demand, shows how long it has been since the servers last restarted and other statistics
[+] New feature - logons can be set to disabled after server is restarted
[+] New feature - Active Directory Organizational Units (OUs) can be picked for Group names
[+] New feature - disable new logons only from the console when right-clicking on a group
[+] New feature - the ‘Last Restarted’ column shows the time, for the particular server, in its own time zone, with the UTC time offset also displayed [+] Improved the computer status update responsiveness and accuracy
[+] New feature - computers can be sorted in a group - new Sort button on the Server Order dialog
[+] Improved client server names by no longer restricted to their NetBIOS equivalent names, which also helps environments that do not support short server names
[+] Improved adding server client names that are sequentially numbered (i.e. SRV001…SRV125) within the RR console
[+] Improved main console window shows group and server statistics
[+] Improved server status by now showing if a client’s RR service is set to Disabled
[+] Improved server information that when clicking on a server, the current time on the remote server, in the remote server’s time zone, is shown
[+] Improved Adding Computers to groups dialog with new input methods and sequential adding of server names
[+] Significantly decreased time when changing logons on group or individual servers
[+] Improved time to query a remote server when clicking on the server in the tree
[+] If .NET 3.5 is not installed, the RR console can now automatically install it
[+] If the firewall is enabled on the console, RR will take the admin to the firewall page to disable it
[+] Servers can be moved up or down in the tree by right-clicking on a server
[+] The number of servers in a group is displayed in the console
[+] Added ability to change logons from highlighted servers in the server list
[+] Added a “Do not show again” option when adding computers that are already in another RR group
[+] Added a copy-to-clipboard menu option for the list of servers and their state in the console
[+] Added options for suggestions and issues from the RR console
[+] Added a verification if RR client was remotely installed by console
[+] Added tooltips for the list of servers when a group is selected
[+] Added displaying the current time with seconds on RR console and in the Real-time Log
[+] Added an export option to the groups and servers tree to an Excel or text file format
[+] Added a Proof of Concept option on the Help tab to get up and running quickly
[+] Added a vertical resizing window for a group’s server list
[+] Options added to Groups and Computers tabs for Check All/Uncheck All
[+] Logs on a remote server can now be shown
[+] New feature – the help link (‘?’) on each tab opens up web help page for most up-to-date information
[+] Summary page shows total servers and groups, total active/disconnected users
[+] Summary page shows oldest, average, and median time since last restart
[+] If a remote console updates data on a 2nd console, the 2nd console is notified to reload the data
[!] Fixed the Farm Calculator from calculating invalid numbers
[!] Removal of the Dashboard and of server statuses may slow down the interface. Optimizations were put in to alleviate this issue
[!] If logons are disabled and are kept disabled at the beginning of processing a group and a server is skipped, the server remained with its logons disabled
[!] Enabling/disabling a group by checking/unchecking it in the tree may inadvertently show the Dashboard
[!] Fixed issue with logging off idle users and when only two users exist on the server and the user doesn’t get logged off
[!] If the RR console position was last opened on the right monitor of a dual-monitor setup, and now there is only one monitor, the console automatically moves itself to the first monitor
[!] If client computer is running RR but the console service does not have sufficient rights, it is now properly displayed in the RR console
[!] Sorting clients in alphabetical order was updating the tree but not the server spreadsheet in the console
[!] Updated the display to match Regional setting changes while RR console is running, without having to restart the RR console
[!] The ‘Since Last Restart’ column on the console now shows the actual elapsed time since the last restart, even if the RR client server is in a different time zone
[!] Fixed notifications not being sent out for servers that haven’t restarted in a certain number of days
[!] Small color icons were not displaying properly in the toolbar
[!] Minimized ribbon was not being saved
[!] PVS Hosts were not being saved from within the console if the console was not run as an Administrator

Version 10.2 Build 1137
[+] Even if a server is offline, clicking on the server name returns faster and pulls up any data in the database saved about the server
[!] Groups set to separate restart schedule for servers, and multiple servers in the group are set to restart at the same time but on different days, they could get restarted on the other servers’ day

Version 10.2 Build 1081
[!] Fixed the delay of checking/unchecking groups that may occur
[!] Unchecking a group does not consistently match the status when clicking a group checkbox quickly

Version 10.2 Build 983
[+] Added a dialog when Rolling Restart console starts if the Rolling Restart service is not running under a logon name having Administrative rights
[!] The logoff wait time never expired if the time was more than 1440 minutes.
[!] The next scheduled processing date/time did not happen if the group was currently in the middle of processing the current group.
[!] If last restart took place between 12 and 24 hours ago, the RR console showed 1 day since last restart

Version 10.2 Build 935
[+] Added a dialog when Rolling Restart console starts if the Rolling Restart service is not running under a logon name having Administrative privileges. Previously, the service would start, but the console would show ‘Evaluation has Expired’. This was not the correct error.
[+] In addition to simply offline, the Rolling Restart console distinguishes if the server is not listed in DNS.
[+] To correct situations where the Rolling Restart console’s service logs in, but it is not an administrator, the administrator is notified when the console is started.
[!] Fixed a rare issue where the console recognized a remote server, then the remote server restarted and came back online, and the console could not connect back to the client.
[!] Rolling Restart console now requires Administrator rights

Version 10.2 Build 881
[+] Updated ESXi hypervisor entry dialog removing the SSH requirement
[+] If RR service has insufficient rights to a remote server, indicate it in the console
[!] First server status may not refresh when admin requests to refresh selected servers
[!] Fixed emails not being sent out showing how long it has been since servers have not restarted. [!] Entry of message sent to users in the console log file was repeating [!] Server status optimized [!] Some users were not getting forced off in some configurations with ‘In Order’ and ‘Force Mode’ set [!] Security group selected but not saving, and Ignored Users were able to click on it but not added to list [!] Misc fixes
Version 10.2 Build 491
[!] Added functionality to clients that could not send data to the console if the DNS server they are querying cannot find the console's name
[!] Incorrect icon was displaying in the tree when adding a server
[!] Fixed installation issue on Windows 2003 R2 x86 servers that could prevent the service from starting

Version 10.2 Build 487
[+] New option to run a program or script on each server in a group immediately before it restarts with logons disabled. This is defined at the group-level instead of having to set it on each individual server in the console.
[+] New option to run a program or script on each server in a group immediately after it restarts but has not yet enabled logons. This is defined at the group-level instead of having to set it on each individual server in the console.
[+] New window shows a list of all servers in all groups and their current status. Options to only show servers that are not online.
[+] The 'Add Computers' dialog can now import computers from any Active Directory Organizational Unit (OU)
[!] Fixed an “Evaluation Expired” error that could happen the first time the RR console software is installed.
[!] Fixed up/down arrow to minimize/show the ribbon bar

Version 10.1 Build 581
[+] Changing group values in the grid can now be done without having to press Enter after each change
[!] Fixed inconsistent saving of data fields
[!] Fixed IDispatch error #3119 in main log when refreshing server status for newly-added offline servers

Version 10.1 Build 513
[+] New Ribbon Bar added to Rolling Restart console for easy and simple access to all the console commands
[+] New Dashboard view added to Rolling Restart console for showing group and entire farm capacity based on users per server and active servers
[+] New Throttle feature automatically throttles servers when the group capacity reaches a threshold defined by the administrator. By using Relevos® technology, servers continue to respond well to users, even at high capacities. This self-regulating and self-starting option is transparent to end users.
[+] The group settings and computer listing for that group are now combined into one view
[+] New installation dialog better manages remote RR client installations
[+] Added the ability to enable/disable logons on all computers in a group or in the farm
[+] Admin-forced logoffs and restarts can now be done to an entire group at once, instead of just individual computers
[+] New Move Computer dialog facilitates moving one or more computers between groups
[+] New Remove Computer dialog allows multiple computers to remove from a group, not just one at a time
[+] If a computer is waiting for users to logoff, now the admin can override the option and enable logons
[+] Misc UI improvements
[!] Updated computer grid to more accurately show status of RR clients (RR not installed, installed but not running, etc)
[!] Some XenApp servers reported 6.0 when they’re, in fact, running 6.5
[!] When configured for per-server restarts, the notifications were not sent, or when sent, the notification was displayed on the last minute + 1 minute
[!] Restarting groups on an individual server level with notifications enabled, notifications showed a 12-hr clock instead of a 24-hr clock
[!] Some console operating systems would not complete the installation of SQL Server CE before starting the console on the initial run, causing the GUI not to start

Version 10.1 Build 1070
[+] New option to run a script or program before processing a group
[+] New option to run a script or program after processing a group
[+] New display shows the vDisk and PVS Host being used for VMs (if they are running on PVS hosts)
[+] New installation program to install on PVS servers for vDisk reporting
[+] New option for running a command on one server can now save the command on multiple servers in the group or all servers
[+] While a group is processing, if the admin changes the wait time for users to logoff, a new entry is shown in the event log, and the countdown minutes for waiting for users to logoff is changed
[+] When starting the console, re-selects the last ribbon tab that was chosen
[+] New lightweight teal color for ribbon bar.
[!] Installation error when trying to run vcx86.exe if the Visual Studio runtime is not installed.
[!] Maximize option was not re-loading console maximized
[!] Removing a group did not remove it from the Dashboard combo box
[!] If a server didn’t have RR installed, the text in the log incorrectly said “power-cycle” when it was actually set to Restart or Shutdown.

Version 10.1 Build 581
[+] Changing group values in the grid can now be done without having to press Enter after each change
[!] Fixed inconsistent saving of data fields
[!] Fixed IDispatch error #3119 in main log when refreshing server status for newly-added offline servers

Version 10.1 Build 513
[+] New Ribbon Bar added to Rolling Restart console for easy and simple access to all the console commands
[+] New Dashboard view added to Rolling Restart console for showing group and entire farm capacity based on users per server and active servers
[+] New Throttle feature automatically throttles servers when the group capacity reaches a threshold defined by the administrator. By using Relevos® technology, servers continue to respond well to users, even at high capacities. This self-regulating and self-starting option is transparent to end users.
[+] The group settings and computer listing for that group are now combined into one view
[+] New installation dialog better manages remote RR client installations
[+] Added the ability to enable/disable logons on all computers in a group or in the farm
[+] Admin-forced logoffs and restarts can now be done to an entire group at once, instead of just individual computers
[+] New Move Computer dialog facilitates moving one or more computers between groups
[+] New Remove Computer dialog allows multiple computers to remove from a group, not just one at a time
[+] If a computer is waiting for users to logoff, now the admin can override the option and enable logons
[+] Misc UI improvements
[!] Updated computer grid to more accurately show status of RR clients (RR not installed, installed but not running, etc)
[!] Some XenApp servers reported 6.0 when they’re, in fact, running 6.5
[!] When configured for per-server restarts, the notifications were not sent, or when sent, the notification was displayed on the last minute + 1 minute
[!] Restarting groups on an individual server level with notifications enabled, notifications showed a 12-hr clock instead of a 24-hr clock
[!] Some console operating systems would not complete the installation of SQL Server CE before starting the console on the initial run, causing the GUI not to start

Version 10.0 Build 769
[+] The auto-processing servers feature now also applies when, before group processing, if group is configured to pause with logons disabled
[+] If there are more groups in the database than are able to be processed based on the Edition of the Rolling Restart Console, then the group names that could not be processed are logged in the main log file
[+] When there are more than 5 groups, the RR console splash screen shows progression of loading groups
[+] For companies that cannot add an SRV record to their DNS for activation with the LAS server, the option of adding the _wmslas._tcp.[fqdn] entry into the hosts file is a new option
[+] For Rolling Restart clients that are behind a firewall, a mechanism has been added to restore communications with those servers so their status displays correctly in the Computers tab of the Rolling Restart console
[+] Processing Start and End times are now written to the log file with the proper locale format instead of always hh:mm
[+] The evaluation license can now use the auto-processing servers feature; however, this feature remains only with Advanced and Datacenter Editions
[+] New option is added which can execute an action if the administrator wants to disable logons on all servers prior to group processing. The two actions are: (1) Enable logons on all servers after time expires or (2) Keep logons disabled on all servers
[+] If the Rolling Restart console UI determines its service is not running with an admin account, the user is notified
[+] New console option to delete all servers and groups
[+] New console option to check/uncheck all groups in the tree
[+] New console option to collapse all groups except the current one
[+] New console option to open previously opened groups when starting the console GUI
[+] New console option to change the Last Restarted Notification Interval. Previously it was fixed to every hour
[+] Improvements in the group settings copy window
[+] Added additional checks for amount of logged on users, so if a client server reports zero users, or because of server or network errors zero users is reported, additional checks are done to ensure servers are not restarted with users logged on
[+] Added more internal checks to get the client status for clients that show offline, either because of TCP issues or problems with the console server
[+] Logs now open with the default text file editor installed on the OS instead of always opening with Notepad
[+] Farm Calculator is cleaned up and streamlined
[+] Misc UI improvements
[!] If waiting on a server for users to logoff and the Processing End Time expires, in certain group configurations, the server was restarted when it should be cancelled
[!] If skipping a server because the time to wait for users to logoff was exceeded, the amount of remaining user sessions was not being written to the group’s log
[!] The Processing End Time was ending one-minute after the end time set for the group
[!] Standard servers would not get restarted on their own schedule in some instances
[!] Clicking on a group after duplicating group settings might have caused error 91
[!] A server might be logged as a standard server in a Remote Desktop Server group, when in fact it is an RDS server
[!] A server might be logged and shown in the console as Rolling Restart is not installed or the service is not started, when in fact it is installed and the service is running
[!] If the Rolling Restart client UI shows its license is not activated, then it becomes activated from Help/Activate, the red evaluation bar did not disappear until the client RR GUI was restarted
[!] The About window on the client might not show properly if a client is activated locally
[!] Opening and closing a group that is shown as the topmost item in the tree mistakenly asked if the user wanted to enable/disable processing for the group

Version 10.0 Build 527
[!] Last Restart Date of a server on the console Computers tab displayed 12/31/1600 and was showing 0/0 for Active/Disconnected users if the server client did not have RR installed
[!] Group Notifications was showing as disabled after activating Advanced Edition

Version 10.0 Build 513
[+] Changed the hotkey for removing groups to ‘v’ (when right-clicking on a group in the tree)
[!] Fixed the ESXi configuration dialog wording
[!] The fields 'Last Restarted Date/Time' and ‘Since last restart’ was not displaying correctly on the console with some 2012 R2 RR clients
[!] Entering single quotes for new group names would end the Console

Version 10.0 Build 498
[+] ShutdownPlus Rolling Restart is now renamed to Rolling Restart
[+] New Essentials, Advanced, and Datacenter editions of Rolling Restart better match company budgets and needs
[+] New option for Silent Mode automatically restarts servers in a group when their user count goes to zero, regardless if it's the current server in queue or not
[+] New option in the Farm Calculation Wizard can create groups with the parameters set in the Farm Calculation Wizard. Previously, the values needed to be entered manually after a group was created.
[+] New option so individual groups can have their notifications turned off or on instead of just one global setting
[+] New option to notify administrators via email if any server in any group hasn't been restarted in a period of days or hours.
[+] Added the ability to ignore AD users from active users on a queued server
[+] Added a line in the console for each group to quickly see if it is processing or not
[+] Added a warning if a group's start time is changed while that group is being processed, that doing so will cancel processing the group
[+] Added email port and encryption options
[+] Added an option to copy the settings of one group to other groups
[+] Real-Time log can choose the group from a drop-down
[+] Added feedback in status bar showing the status of copying the client setup to remote computers
[+] When importing a text file of servers to add to a group, all servers are automatically checked
[+] The main log can now be viewed from the View menu
[+] Faster and more reliable updates on the Computers tab within the Console UI, whether the remote server is online or not
[+] Added another option ('Disable new logons and allow reconnections') to the option of 'Change logon state at group start time'
[+] Added the option to Pause a group while it is processing
[+] Added the option to reorder a group's servers alphabetically
[+] Changed column headers for Computers in the console
[+] Checking/unchecking the topmost checkbox in the console now provides feedback while processing
[+] Decreased network traffic coming from the console to clients queuing the servers for status. Instead, a push-mechanism from the clients is now used.
[+] Group type can now be changed
[+] If the admin changes the time to wait for users to logoff while a group is processing, this is added to the group's log file and also the value takes immediate effect
[+] If, while processing a group, the admin changes the notification message, the change takes place immediately. Previously changes only happened when the group was next processed.
[+] If, while processing a group, the admin unchecks "Change the logon state", Rolling Restart now stops waiting the allocated time, enables logons on all servers, and then processes the group
[+] New option to expand or collapse all groups in the tree
[+] New option to right-click on a server and choose to move it to another group
[+] Now a user count of logged on users, active and disconnected, are shown after completing a restart cycle
[+] Now when the timeframe expires, the processing stops on the current server in queue, instead of waiting for it to end its wait processing
[+] Reworded GUI for better understanding of options
[+] The console can now restart the service on the remote RR client to activate it
[+] Updated the Add Computer dialog for better flow
[+] When creating a group, the settings from one group can be replicated to the new group
[!] Fixed the issue where if while waiting for users to logoff, the admin suddenly unchecked the box as to not wait any longer, the wait would continue until the time expired or all users logged off
[!] If a server was waiting for users to logoff, the Computers tab showed no statistics for that server
[!] Fixed when setting individual restarts for servers and choosing Weekdays, the servers would still restart on the weekends.
[!] In some circumstances, unchecking the top-most checkbox would not stop processing on all the groups
[!] Fixed date issue with New Zealand region settings
[!] Fixed email incompatibility issues with some anti-virus scanners
[!] Fixed icons displayed in Remote Desktop Connection Manager
[!] Fixed pressing Home on the grid allowing typing into the first column
[!] Removing a group removed the computers in the group from the UI, but did not remove the computers from the database
[!] Changed notification dialog to correctly show %s or %x for the date/time
[!] If a group was set to disable logons for any minutes that started with '1' (1,10,12,100,120, etc.), the log incorrectly shows the server waited for only one minute
[!] In some instances, if a server in the queue never gets restarted, logons would not be set back to enabled
[!] On Swedish (and certain other languages) servers, the "Eval notice" date would be displayed incorrectly.
[!] The Farm Calculation Wizard did not allow numbers to be entered into the confidence level
[!] The group log file wrote out "enabling logons on this server" without a preceding date/time

Version 9.5 Build 1793
[+] Updated Group Add dialog so highlighted options follow the mouse
[+] Decreased memory usage of Rolling Restart service
[+] Added an option to limit only certain users from a domain to access the RR console
[+] Defined hot-keys for right-clicking on a group
[+] Updated Farm Calculator so users can type in the numbers instead of using only the sliders
[!] Running a remote command on a client before a restart would sometimes not be initiated
[!] Clicking on the topmost +/- control in the console tree incorrectly determined the topmost checkbox state was changed
[!] Updated compatibility with ESXi 5.5 U2 hosts for successful power-cycling
[!] ESXi setup dialog would not verify correctly with the ESXi host, even with correct username and password and SSH enabled
[!] Removing a group with its servers shown in the list on the Computers tab did not remove the servers in the list
[!] “Enabling logons” log entry was being logged to the program’s log file, not the group log file
[!] Misc UI changes

Version 9.5 Build 1165
[+] New splitter bar in console
[+] New sizing in console allows it to fit on VMs with an 800x600 display
[!] Fixed resizing issue when Computers list was displayed and the console was resized
[!] Fixed issue where all users were ignored instead of just selected Active Directory users

Version 9.5 Build 1165
[+] New splitter bar in console
[+] New sizing in console allows it to fit on VMs with an 800x600 display
[!] Fixed resizing issue when Computers list was displayed and the console was resized
[!] Fixed issue where all users were ignored instead of just selected Active Directory users

Version 9.5 Build 1162
[+] New security option can limit access of the software to members of an Active Directory group
[+] New “Simple” mode for remote desktop server groups for configuring a farm to restart with minimal parameters
[+] New option allows notifications to be sent as servers and groups are processed
[+] Disabled rows in console if their parent checkbox is disabled
[+] Changed item wording in console for better clarity and understanding
[+] User feedback shows processing is taking place when checking/unchecking a group
[+] Server Farm Wizard renamed to Farm Calculation Wizard
[+] Updated Farm Calculator to allow values to be entered, not just using the slider bars
[!] When activated manually, the software still showed it was in evaluation mode unless it was exited and reloaded

Version 9.5 Build 355
[+] Improved UI feedback when clicking on a server and it’s offline, or the GUI can’t reach it
[+] Checking/unchecking a server in the tree does not retrieve its settings each time
[+] Console shows if a server running RR is running the console so the administrator can instead install the client

Version 9.5 Build 350
[+] Servers now visually show their status in the server tree (Online, Logons Enabled, Logons Disabled, Only reconnections accepted, Offline, Restarting, RR not installed, RR not running)
[+] The computer list now shows the status of servers
[+] Added the option to change the logon state of a server to “Enable Reconnections Only”
[+] Toolbar updated with new option to Configure a Farm and view the Real Time Log for a group
[+] Added the option to remove multiple servers from a group in the Computers list, instead right-clicking one at-a-time
[+] Added option to Check/Uncheck selected servers when adding new ones to a group
[+] Improved UI on Add Server dialog window

Version 9.4 Build 1267
[+] Citrix Ready Certified for XenApp 7.1 and 7.5
[+] Citrix Ready Certified for XenServer 6.x
[+] The group Real-Time Log window now shows on the taskbar so the admin doesn’t have to keep clicking it from the Group menu to see it
[+] Added code to ensure the Registry value’s type stays a DWORD for the VDA agent
[!] Client UI was identifying Windows Server 2012 R2 as 2008 R2
[!] The console identified XenApp 6.0 FP2 as XenApp 6.5
[!] If Rolling Restart wasn’t installed on remote computer, the group log and notifications would show it was installed but not running

Version 9.4 Build 501
[+] Added server name when logging how many active and disconnected users there are
[+] More informative logging
[!] Sending out notification messages to users might cause the console service to end
[!] The console GUI might have detected that logons were enabled on the remote server when they actually weren't
[!] If groups are setup to wait long times for users to logoff, a memory leak might occur

Version 9.4 Build 486
[!] Fixed a random issue where logons were not getting re-enabled after a restart if a Citrix XenApp 6.5 hotfix was applied.
[!] UI did not show the correct next restart date if restarts took place within a specific time frame and the restart days happened every two or more days and the beginning group time had already passed on a restart day.
[!] If a group name was the same as another group but with different beginning characters (i.e. ATSSERVERS and TSSERVERS), the group was not getting monitored.
[!] Unchecking the master switch in the console and choosing “Do not show this message again” would not allow the user to re-enable the master switch by checking it.

Version 9.4 Build 481
[+] When canceling group processing, instead of waiting for the next loop to process, processing is stopped after processing the current queued server. [internal] added a vbMsgBox to tell the user processing will stop after the current server.
[+] Writing out to the group log file that it is establishing communications and internal checks with all servers in the group. [internal] what we’re really doing is removing our load evaluator, if it exists, and enabling logons.
[!] Showed incorrect recurring dates in the UI when choosing to restarting servers individually
[!] In some circumstances, the service would stop running when an ordered group schedule began
[!] If, after checking ‘Do not show again’ in a group dialog box, groups would not be removed

Version 9.4 Build 478
[+] Added an option to remove all computers under a group instead of only doing it one at-a-time
[+] If the group is renamed, the log file is also renamed
[+] Changed ‘Days since restart’ in RR console to “Since last restart”.
[+] ‘Since last restart’ column now shows elapsed time in days, hours, or minutes since last restart, whichever is larger
[+] Improved individual server entry in Add Server dialog when adding servers to a group
[+] Decreased loading time of Add Server dialog with large numbers of Active Directory groups
[+] RR console now uses multiple ways to query the time since last restart to correctly show the elapsed time
[+] If DNS cannot be changed to add an entry for the LAS server, Rolling Restart can now use the local computer’s HOSTS file with an entry of the LAS server’s IP and the along with a pre-defined host name and the current fully qualified domain. Ex:
[+] New option in sending out messages adds a Default option and a Test option
[!] The console service might access a memory location outside its address and end
[!] Custom messages were not being sent out
[!] Add Servers dialog now can search on all computers in a given group
[!] Switching from Quick to Advanced and then trying to modify the notification message caused an error
[!] The log file is now written to if a trial has ended or the date has been set back in the trial

Version 9.4 Build 306
[+] More reliable power-cycling of ESXi VMs, especially on a heavily loaded ESXi
[+] Faster processing of AD groups on the console when adding servers to a group, especially on very large AD networks with thousands of groups
[+] Removed Non-persistent disk requirement for power-cycling ESXi VMs
[+] More verbose logging when power-cycling ESXi VMs
[+] Moved slower external functions to service for faster console starting
[+] Considerably faster processing of servers in a group by combining multiple checks at data collection and restart/power-cycle (and ESXi functions when power-cycling)
[+] RR clients are required to run version 9.3.4227 or higher
[+] The admin can now change a group’s loop retries on the console while the group is processing; previously it could only be changed before the group processing began
[+] Changed Group Configuration Wizard to allow 0 to be put in for loops, which accommodates the possibility of not doing any looping.
[+] When querying a server in the console, a warning is shown to the user if the current user does not have the necessary rights
[!] Fixed error 35605 in the console when querying servers
[!] Fixed permissions error 70 in the console when viewing group logs in real-time.
[!] Fixed internal processing method of erroneously reporting which servers got restarted/power-cycled, and also which ones didn’t and their reason for not restarting/power-cycling
[!] After installing this version, future in-place upgrades will not remove the list of ESXi servers
[!] Fixed the group option 'Disable logons on all servers at once' from not disabling logons in certain cases
[!] Fixed end-of-processing emails showing the wrong group but the correct servers
[!] Log showed “proceed to restart” even if a power-cycle was planned
[!] Prevent “0” from being entered in the console fields where “0” is invalid
[!] Changed 'Add Computer' search routine for computers not showing up in domain computers list
[!] Fixed the title of email messages after a group is processed that showed the incorrect group name but the correct contents
[!] Fixed problem where some servers would empty their System Event Log after a restart

Version 9.3 Build 4541
[+] Launching the Group Sizing Wizard sometimes didn’t bring it up a previous instance, so now the console runs it every time.
[+] Clearer wording and slider controls for the Group Sizing Wizard.

Version 9.3 Build 4537
[!] Fixed error of selecting the server restart schedule when opening up the RR console in an RDP non-console session.
[!] Fixed error when clearing the server field of choosing the recurring weeks or days.
[!] Fixed error that wmsrr.sdf doesn’t have enough rights when opening up the RR console in an RDP session.

Version 9.3 Build 4521
[+] To better assist administrators, a log entry for the group now logs if the group is unchecked but scheduled to run.
[!] Fixed if one server is in a group, and looping is turned on, logons only were disabled on first l[!] Fixed issue where a server may not allow commands from the console to begin its restart process.
[!] Notifications in Silent Mode sometimes did not get repeated.

Version 9.3 Build 4287
[!] Unchecking a Silent Mode group while notifications were being sent out did not stop the group from processing.

Version 9.3 Build 4227
[+] Add Computers dialog now shows the entire group in the dropdown box.
[+] New internal algorithms restart all at once severs in a group provides more accurate results and avoids "run-over" times that spuriously indicate servers did not restart.
[+] Group Sizing Wizard now also shows minutes alongside hours.
[!] Selecting Check All for a group did not restart the newly checked servers unless the user manually unchecked and rechecked a server.
[!] Changed UI behavior, so if a value is entered when configuring a group, Apply can be pressed and the value is saved. Previously, the user had to press Enter after changing a value in a cell before pressing Apply.

Version 9.3 Build 3213
[+] New evaluation notifications for console and client UI.
[+] Now looping is enabled by default.
[!] Misc Group Configuration Wizard fixes; only can run one Group Config Wizard at a time.
[!] Fixed on some Windows 2003 computers where the service would not run at installation.

Version 9.3 Build 3163
[+] Added a new Group Configuration Wizard to correctly size groups when given a number of parameters.
[+] Updated toolbar.
[+] Updated help file.
[!] Fixed our Load Evaluators not being removed properly on some XenApp 6.5 installations.

Version 9.3 Build 1881
[+] Updated licensing for more flexibility with the LAS, so the software doesn't check in with the LAS after each boot.
[+] Added a 'Check for Updates' option.
[!] Hypervisor information was being removed at uninstall.

Version 9.3 Build 1405
[+] Workgroup computers can now be activated. This is helpful for companies that need to activate a hypervisor's golden image that is not yet joined to a domain.
[+] Notify time now happens before the scheduled restart time instead of at the restart time.
[!] Fixed issue of previous 9.3 builds not activating with the LAS server.
[!] Fixed incorrect versioning showing on console

New version 9.3 Build 1393
[+] New option to power-cycle VMware ESXi VMs having a Nonpersistent disk. All the power of ShutdownPlus Rolling Restart combined with Nonpersistent disks.
[+] New option level to configure a terminal server group graphically, giving three options for group configuration (Quick, General, Advanced).
[+] Now compatible with Windows Server 2012 R2.
[+] To save time, only highlighted computers showing in the computer list are refreshed.
[+] Added keyboard shortcut Ctrl+A to highlight all of the computers in the list.
[+] Added option to view real-time log from the Group menu.
[+] Added option to power-cycle a VM from the console.
[+] Simplified the Wizard and Add Group options.
[+] Changed "RR is not installed" to "RR Client Not installed - click to install".
[!] Servers with network DNS error 53 can now be restarted.
[!] Computers tab now shows the list of computers when a computer is added to the group.
[!] Improved logic and logged when servers give errors when attempting to communicate and restart them.
[!] Saving data for a group, clicking on a server, or refreshing servers might temporarily lock the UI with a "Not Responding" if the server was offline.
[!] Icons of servers were not being updated consistently when a group was refreshed.
[!] Fixed a "Not Responding" on the main program when the Wizard was launched.
[!] Fixed a "Switch To" message when refreshing computers in Computer List view.
[!] Removing the last group now shows the panel options, not the deleted group options.