KB1131 - Activating with LAS without using an SRV record in DNS

All WM Software products use its License Administration Server, or LAS, to allow organizations to activate licenses within their own network, eliminating the need for individual computers to connect to WM Software for product activation.

An SRV record is added to a company's DNS server so our software can find the name of the LAS server and automatically activate the license.

However, some organizations are unable to add an SRV record to their DNS server. In this case, WM Software products can have the LAS server added to the Registry on the client. This way, a lookup to LAS can be done and the software license activated without changing DNS.

After the LAS software is installed and product keys are added to the LAS, follow these steps to enable clients to activate with the LAS server:

1. Run regedit.exe on the client computer

2. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\WM Software\[Product Name]\Settings

3. Add a new String Value in the Settings key named: _wmslas

4. Enter the FQDN name of the server running the LAS software. For example: srvlas.local.domain.com

5. Restart the client, or restart the service on the client associated with the software to activate the licenses.

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